Vacation Rentals
Starting March 1st, 2022 - Earther Academy is now offering "Healthy Vacation Rentals" in one of the most pristine tropical environments on the planet.
At this time, we are not going to offer medically supervised retreats but we will be open for 2-4 people to come and rent the private space for your healthy vacation, or a personal reset/detoxification time, if you wish to do so.
Our "private" Hawaiian Sanctuary is located on the famous Hamakua coast of the Big Island of Hawaii, and is a 27 acre organic tropical fruit farm with on site idyllic waterfalls, away from toxic environments and stresses that most people are exposed to on a daily basis, especially in these times.
Many find themselves in very stressful, if not volatile environments on a 24/7 basis. The list of exposures are long as we have discussed, in depth, in our Earther Academy videos, articles and curriculum.
For the next several months, we will be opening our private gated estate sanctuary to those looking for a healthy vacation, while detoxing and decompressing from what at times appears to be insanity.
Terrain Modification Retreat
Join us for the 21 Day Detox and Rejuvenation Clinical Studies Terrain Modification Retreat/Workshops in Hawaii.You Must Be An Earther Academy Member To Participate In The Hands-On Hawaii Retreat Workshop
Are You Ready To Embark On A Life Changing Liquid Fast And Detox Vacation Adventure?
"Dissolve, Wash and Re-nutrify" - "Upgrade, Enhance, and Optimize" - "Reset, Renew and Rebuild".
These are some of the life changing themes we share and teach at Earther Academy, and the 21+ Day Hands-On Group Workshops in Hawaii.
Did you know that "Water/Liquid Fasting" is one of the most effective ways to reverse aging, and the easiest way to efficiently reduce a lifelong accumulation of toxicity and parasites?
Liquid fasting and learning "Terrain Modification Protocols" can make a profound difference for most people experiencing the precursors to what eventually develop into serious health problems and premature aging.
The primary goal of Earther Academy Online Video Courses and Hands-On Workshop Retreats in Hawaii are to support the Protocols, Practices and Principles for achieving higher levels of Health and Wellness. This is accomplished through the study and practice of fasting, detox, rejuvenation, sustainable agriculture and a naturalistic way of life. Another way of putting it; through these practices, YOU become your own preventative medicine practitioner and power.
In the 21 days of your journey here in Hawaii, you will be shown many of the key protocols, practices and principles for Terrain Modification and will to be able to practice them in a small focus and support group.
Learn and practice how to "Dissolve, Wash and Re-nutrify", "Re-set, Re-new and Re-build" - "Upgrade, Enhance and Optimize" the Body and Mind and reconnect back to nature and yourself using the "Terrain Modification Protocols" in a hands on personalized atmosphere and sanctuary.
The Hawaiian Medically Supervised Clinical Study and Retreat is only available for small groups of 6-8 people whom are of like-minded and take part as members of the Earther Academy.
We offer the 21 day Intensive Workshops and Clinical Study Retreat periodically throughout the year 3 to 6 times annually. These are usually booked 2-3 months in advance.
We have had business groups, entire families, couples, friends or adventuress individuals whom come alone. Many people often do this alone when going through fasting and detox protocols for transformative purposes but having support is paramount to the process.
We invite you to participate in this authentic one-of-a-kind experience here at the Terrain Modification Research Academy.
Professionally supervised terrain modification workshop/retreats are currently being offered under the direct supervision of Dr. Nicholas Tancheff, a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic and certified fasting professional with the International Association of Hygienic Physicians.
Solid Food and Toxic Food Vacation
We see quite a lot of people that complain of being constantly tired or having been labeled as having chronic fatigue syndrome, fogginess in the head, no or low energy, complaining on many different internal or external physical symptomatology, depression, overeating, obesity, bad skin, insomnia, and many other problems that come to Hawaii for the Terrain Modification Research Academy.
These very common symptoms are usually a form of toxicity, de-mineralization and usually a sign of being clogged up to some degree in various parts of the body by a variety of toxic parasites, yeast, mold, fungus and candida and accumulated toxic particles like: mercury, nickel, cadmium, aluminum, arsenic, lead, pesticides, plastics, bis-phenol’s etc.
Our Program Provides Solutions For:
- Clearing out heavy metals, parasites, environmental toxins
- Rebuilding The Gut Wall Flora, cell membranes, muscles, tissues, organs and skeletal bones
- Stimulating stem cell production from within your body
- Resolving digestive and stomach problems
- Lifting mental fog, depression and exhaustion
- Increasing strength, flexibility and coordination
- Restoring bliss and joy of life
- Promoting healthy WEIGHT LOSS!
- Teaching ANTI-AGING - This program and lifestyle upgrade is the best formula ever!
Most people get fantastic results over the 21 days in their own special way from losing excess body weight, toxicity and fluids (on average 10-30 pounds). Then they replace the old with the new and gain a few pounds right back with new cleaner and conductive fluids. Sort of like an oil/filter change and engine tune up.
Liquid Fasting = RESET, RENEW and REBUILD
We offer 2 Ketogenic 21 Day Fasting Programs and have had excellent results with each of the programs specifically created.
1 - Beginning/Intermediate Level Program (21 days) - "Multiple cycles of Intermittent Fasting and Re-feeding Protocols".
These protocols support overall Body Detoxification, Rebuilding The Intestinal Flora and Intestine Rehabilitation.
2 - Intermediate/Advanced Level Program (21 days) - Block Fasting and Re-feeding Protocols - "The Great Biological Reset".
These protocols support overall Body, Mind and Emotional Detoxification. Truly a much deeper layer of "Resetting, Rebuilding and Renewing" The Body and Mind.
We like to get people to come and stay for 21+ days to make a deeper impact on lifestyle adjustments/enhancements that they will take home and apply to their lifestyles.
In time, we all need to be able to reset, rebuild and clean the filters of our bodies on an ongoing basis. The variety of liquids that you will have, will flush the body and make space to refill the body with the correct fuels and reintroduce the correct, minerals, gut wall bacterial flora and to regenerate the bodies energetic bracket back so we can live more vitally with less biological and mental dysfunction.
Most of us have never taken a "Solid or Toxic Food Vacation" for any period of time.
We all have been accumulating a variety of toxins and stresses all of our lives without giving the body a rest to rejuvenate. Since this is a health oriented detox and health vacation the results on the participants have been quite astounding and profound.
Liquid fasting specifically with distilled (dry water) detoxifies and super hydrates the tissues, and allows the gut wall flora and intestines a chance to be rested, to then rebuild with live ferments and finally get the nourishment it was designed for.
Gut wall flora and the intestines always need to be detoxed, renewed and rebuilt through fasting, detoxification, correct nutrition, natural rest, nature and sunlight are some of the Terrain Modification departments you will learn and practice.
Most all of the participants we see and hear from have GI issues because of the constant assaults from the many pesticides, insecticides, antibiotics and chemicals in our everyday lives so program #1 works best for them. We have had excellent results with all types of people young and old.
All Retreat Clinical Study Participants will receive a Lifetime Full Access Earther Member Scholarship to the Earther Academy Online School.
At the core of our program, we will be supporting reprogramming your body to stimulate it’s innate intelligence self organizing healing process. We will create the space to safely and supportively restore your health and function. We will guide you to upgrade yourself and teach yourself life changing strategies to sustain long-term health. These detoxification and regenerative protocols will rebuild the immune system, regenerate your nervous system, optimize your hormone levels and re-establish balance within your body.
Everyone transforms their lives by the time they leave in just 3 weeks. Come visit paradise, learn how to live this Super Naturalistic Lifestyle and "Take Back Your Power and Vitality!"
Please contact us to find out how you can schedule your stay at the only destination on the planet where you can achieve the ultimate rest and true natural living your body needs in paradise, AND as an added bonus the hands on training and education you need to enhance your lifestyle for a healthy longevity for the rest of your life.
Some Of The Educational Workshops Covered At The Retreat
- Making Your Own Skin Cleaning Solution & Transdermal Coconut Oil/Mineral Solution & Cacao Butter
- Making Your Own Mouthwash
- Making Your Own Toothpaste
- Making the Scalp Cleaning Solution
- Gua Sha and Scraping in the Far Infrared Sauna
- How to Make your Own Ferments
- Making Your Own DNA Ferments
- Enema Protocols - Dissolve, Wash, and Renutrify
- Using a Camera to Visually see and Extract what is in your Ears and How to Dissolve, Wash, and Re-lubricate
- Foot and Hand Soaking Solution
- Cranial Facial Release Course with Sananga Eye Medicine Therapy
- Making Yerba Mate Mineralized Breakfast Teas and Smoothies
- Cacao Ceremonies - Beginning and Ending the 21 Days
- Weekly Group Q & A Sessions with Dr Cassar and Dr Tancheff
- Clinically Supervised Water Fasting Education
- Daily Exercise, Stretching, Meditation and Yoga Workshops and Training
- Skin Cleaning, Detoxification and Rejuvenation
- Multiple Parasite Detoxification Therapies
- Learning Deep Massage Therapies
- Gardening and much more.
Accommodations and Lodging
For now, we have availability for 1 Master Suite and multiple Shared Bedrooms. The master suite is furnished Bali Style featuring its own private bathroom and gorgeous views of the Ocean.
The shared bedrooms have 2 beds per room, so you have a sidekick while you go on this rejuvenation journey.
We have thousands of pounds of crystals and large amethyst crystals in the entire house to add to the already regenerative high vibe tune of Hawaii. The entire property offers beautiful ocean views and the cleanest air on the planet, while living on the tallest pyramidal mountain and most remote island in the world.
Retreat Ammenities
During your stay, you will not only receive all of the nourishing herbal supplements that will detoxify your entire body, but you will have full access to a custom built distilled water steam room sauna, a brand new three person FIR Wood Cedar Sauna, and an infrared Vita-mat. Your stay includes all raw living food cuisine with instructional classes and local, organic, tropical green coconuts.
Each of you will receive a Welcome Gift Package supplied by Earth Shift Products that can include some of the following: Lugol’s Transdermal Iodine, Tongue Scraper, Transdermal Magnesium Minerals, Fulvic Acid and many other possibilities.
Additional amenities include all new construction, expansive park like setting with well manicured lawns and pergolas for enjoying the ocean views, vita-mix, juicer and dehydrators to support a vital raw lifestyle.
Our water is the purest water you will ever have the chance to consume. We have specialized electrolysis machines for high pH water, 6 stage water filtration and re-mineralization system on the whole house that goes through a custom crystal cartridge, and an industrial water distiller for advancing your detoxification while at the Academy.
You will rest on orthopedic new pillow top beds, in rooms cleaned with non-toxic cleaners and non-VOC paints on all of the interiors of the house.
Each room offers an Apple TV and basic cable on all televisions, high speed internet (WiFi turned off every night), and private in-room safes for storing your valuables.
For fitness we offer Omni Yoga Anti-Gravity Swings, small gym equipment, a few free weights, foam rollers, a walking/riding track that runs the entire perimeter of the property, and a year round stream with waterfalls.
It is very hard to find facilities anywhere that have upgraded from old and toxic materials to new and green with the healthy traveler in mind. Our theme is Health, Wealth and Happiness. We have tailored the suites to be more in line with a Multi Layered Health Center.
Property Description
The Terrain Modification Research Academy is located on a beautiful tropical farm land on the Big Island of Hawaii along the breathtaking Hamakua coast in Hakalau, only 14 miles north of Hilo. There is no better place to host a detox retreat than on the Hamakua Coast, which in Hawaiian means "Breath of God". You will love the Big Island for its authenticity and abundance of super clean and supercharged air.
While you are here, enjoy sweeping views of the Pacific Ocean and spectacular sunrises keeping an eye open for passing humpback whales. Mauna Kea, the world’s tallest mountain when measured from its oceanic base is the perfect backdrop. The energy and tranquility at the foot of the dormant Mauna Kea volcano are unparalleled as the location to get your life back into balance. Catch an incredible moonrise out on the lanai and soak in the night sky with the Milky Way so clear you could almost touch the stars. We also have a spring fed river with waterfalls that flows through the property all year long.
Remember, this is not just a health retreat, we will save time for adventures and exploring during the re-feeding phase (weather permitting), and we have daily yoga, stretching, movement, and exercise classes. Imagine drinking Blue Green Algae while doing yoga and meditation on a beach in Hawaii.
This is your next vacation and health investment. Rejuvenation, Education, and Pure Healthy Fun!
We have specialized electrolysis machines for high pH water, 6 stage water filtration and re-mineralization system on the whole house that goes through a custom crystal cartridge, and an industrial water distiller for advancing your detoxification while at the Academy. You will rest on orthopedic new pillow top beds, in rooms cleaned with non-toxic cleaners and non-VOC paints on all of the interiors of the house.
You will love the Big Island for its authenticity and abundance of super clean and super-charged air. Remember this is not just a health retreat detoxification vacation but it is also a rejuvenation vacation to support re-setting -re-building and re-newing and empowering yourself for the future.
Imagine finally being able to make the move to start your detoxification, rejuvenation, re-education and pure healthy fun journey programs.
Remember, we do not treat any illness or sickness. We understand that the body has a self organizing innate intelligence and needs to be detoxed, cleansed and then re-nutrified so the body and mind can function correctly.
Take back your power with the Healthy Vacation for yourself!
Hope to see you soon :))
Dr. Robert Cassar
Dr. Robert Cassar
Dr. Robert Cassar is a retired competitive body builder and former owner of the American Chiropractic Medical Group. Currently he is a researcher and practitioner of parasitology, toxicology, and naturalistic living. He is the founder of the innovative Terrain Modification Program, Earth Shift Project, Earther Academy, Terrain Modification Research Academy and Earth Shift Products.
In Dr. Cassar’s lectures and workshops, he reveals how everything in existence vibrates at various frequencies and how transforming the body (through the Terrain Modification Program’s "Principles, Protocols, & Philosophies") by eating and drinking live, high vibration, non corrupted, and mineral dense foods, we can change our energy and vibratory levels, thus elevating our health and consciousness. He also explains that the higher the vibrational output of the body and mind, the higher we ascend as beings and advance in our evolution.
Dr. Cassar discusses how, over time through toxic accumulations, both physiologically and psychologically, we age and ultimately die of sickness or some form of incurable disease.
He also explains how the science of "Terrain Modification" will transform our body vessels from acid-to-alkaline, carbon-to-crystalline, and from disease-to-ease.
Health, Wealth, and Happiness is the name of the new game.
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